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October 3-5, 2025

Where a step back in time

 is measured by 200 years.


The Gas City 4th Parade

Writer's picture: Kiley StiersKiley Stiers

The Fourth of July has always held a special place in the heart of Mississinewa Battlefield Society, and this year we were honored to be a part of the Gas City parade to celebrate it.

The morning of the fourth, the society came together and constructed a campsite atop a trailer, complete with an awning, a fire ring, and real trees. As the taste of 1812 rolled down the street, members fired rifles and a mounted hand cannon into the air. Natives, rangers, and military members handed candy to onlookers, including chocolate coins with the Mississinewa stamp.

This was a hard year for the Mississinewa 1812 reenactment. But seeing the crowd recognize, and cheer us as we went by, reassured us that we aren't the only ones missing it. It made us that much more excited to return next October, 2025, at our brand new land in Grant County, between Marion and Gas city. Our reenactment only happens because of the dedicated members who give so much of their time and energy to preserving the knowledge we have of the past, and the members of the public that have a desire to learn and support us in that endeavor.

This author would like to give all thanks to all the members who aided with building or participated in the parade; Kaleb, Roger, Thad, Meg, Sam, Lisa, Alexis, Austin, Tom, Jim, all the Jons and Johns, and many, many more. Special thanks to Randy and Kathie Stiers for loan of their truck and trailer.

Kindly written by Kiley Stiers


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